Surah Yaseen PDF (سورة يس): Explore the core teachings of Quran
Surah Yaseen is the most beautiful and important chapter of the Quran Majeed, often called Heart of Quran.It teaches us about the resolution of Quran as a divine book and how those who face serious punishments. This surah has 83 verses, 807 words, 3028 letters, and 5 sections.It started in 22nd para and ends in 23rd para. Don’t miss the reading of ayatul kursi,one of the best verses in the Quran.
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To fully appreciate Surah Yaseen and its benefits, it’s helpful to read this with translation. To click on the Download button you are able to save surah Yaseen to your device with translation. It can help you to read it anytime from your device and share it to your loved ones and you can also read it online as your convenience. For those interested, Surah Yaseen is available in Bangla as well.
Surah Yaseen Read Online
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Meaning of Surah Yaseen:
Surah Yaseen is pronounced as Ya Sin or Ya Seen. The meaning of Yaseen seems unclear but its meaning as a human being. It explains about the Faith in Allah, Prophethood of Muhammad(SAW) and the reality of the afterlife.
Surah Yaseen is one the first surahs revealed during the Makkah period to Prophet Muhammad(SAW). It emphasizes the belief of oneness of god and Akhirat (afterlife). The surah recounts how the disbelievers faced destruction due to their wrongdoing and rejection of Allah’s guidance.

Surah Yaseen revealed?
When the Holy Prophet(SAW) was in Makkah this Surah revealed therefore its makki surah.
Ayats in Surah Yaseen | Words in Surah Yaseen | Letters in Surah Yaseen | Rukus in Surah Yaseen | Revelation of Surah Yaseen |
83 | 807 | 3028 | 5 | In Mecca |
Famous Quote about Surah Yaseen:
- “Surah Yaseen is the heart of the Quran. When we recite it one time it is equal to reciting the Quran ten times.”
- “When we recite Surah Yaseen in one night. It will be forgiven one morning.”
- “Whoever when we read surah Yaseen and if we seek Allah, Allah would forgive us.”
- “Whoever recites it at night and dies the same night will die as a shaheed.”
- “Whoever visits the graveyard and recites Surah Yasin will see a reduction in punishment that day and earn rewards equal to the number of souls present there.”
Surah Yaseen is not only valued for its depth of spirituality but also appreciated for its literary beauty and wisdom. Being an inspiration to believers in their everyday lives, it reflects messages of resurrection, people’s responsibility, and the mercy of the Lord. Every verse poses existential questions about life and existence, its meaning, and the existent miracles. Surah yaseen english translation also available. You can download and read online here.
Structure of Surah Yaseen
Elements | Details |
Focus Themes | Monotheism, Prophethood, Resurrection, Accountability |
Hadith Reference | “Surah Yaseen is the heart of the Quran. Whoever recites it for the pleasure of Allah and with sincerity will have their sins forgiven.” |
Purpose of Revelation | To reaffirm faith in Allah, the Prophethood, and the afterlife; to offer guidance and hope during persecution |
Connection with Nature | Reflects Allah’s power through natural signs, such as the stars, plants, and cycles of life and death, encouraging contemplation on creation as a sign of divinity |
Benefit for the Departed | Often recited for those who have passed to bring comfort to their souls and ease in their journey in the hereafter |
Other Names | Heart of the Quran (Qalb al-Quran) |
What is the best time to recite Surah Yaseen
The Best time to read Surah Yaseen followed below:
Surah Yaseen After fajr :
Religious Scholars advised to recite Surah Yaseen After Fajr prayer. The Muslims who read Surat yaseen in morning feel peace and relax all the day. Starting your day with surat yaseen bring happiness, barkat and protection in your life.
Yasin Sharif On Friday:
Read Surah Yasin on Friday is the source of blessing and pleasure. More Muslims read this on friday.
During Ramzan ul Mubarik:
After The Death Of Your Loved Person
Read surah yasin for your loved person who died ease his journey of akhirat and give eternal peace.
Key Features
Literary Beauty and Rhythm
Surah Yaseen charms readers due to its smooth and pleasing flow of words, and it is one of the best-structured surahs in the Quran. This is done by the periodically flowing rhythm, metaphorical expressions, and imagery evoking passion, which adds to its beauty and gets through to the heart.
Messages of Resurrection and Judgment
This Surah focuses on accountability on the Day of Judgement and invites people to think about the deeds and the retribution they have to face. The graphic description refreshes the people’s memory that divine judgment is just.
Celebration of Natural Miracles
Surah Yaseen is a Miraculous surah in The Holy Quran, which enlightens the Miracles of the creation and growth of plants & the movement of stars and skies. These signs of the prowess of the almighty prompt those of faith to embrace the environment as God’s creation and innovation.
Benefits of Reciting Surah Yaseen
Spiritual Healing and Inner Peace
Almighty Allah has placed in Surah Yaseen many beneficial things for spiritual and psychological diseases. This is suitable for self-challenges since it provides consolation.
Strengthening Family Bonds and Faith
Many Muslim households have it mandatory to read Surah Yaseen at night and memorize it, which makes them spiritually united as families. Its verses are recited from one generation to another by parents, giving children a lifetime devotion to their faith.
Guidance through Compassion and Empathy
The narration in Surah Yaseen of an interceding believer symbolizes the message of patience, tolerance, and basic human compassion in human interaction. It is an essential and valuable lesson for those who find a way to live with an open heart and to lead people toward the right path.
Listening to the Surah Yaseen brings about faith and compassion and reflects on life’s journey. Faith in its principles is always a blessing, making this verse very dear to every Muslim. Surah Yaseen is one of the most remarkable surahs in the Quran, often called the heart of the Quran, because it produces a deep feeling within the believers.
Recited often for its impactful verses, Surah Yaseen focuses on the five pillars of Islam: belief in Allah, the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and finally, the existence of the Hereafter. Its revelation also occurred in the Makkan period, and it contains 83 verses, which consist of 807 words and 3028 letters and is in five parts. It suggests Allah’s forgiveness, restraint, and deterrence, as those who follow His path are showered with mercy while everyone else receives severe punishment.